thanks alot ROBYN
K, I got tagged by ROBYN to do this about my schools...How many schools did you go to?Ummm, 3 elementary schools one being a catholic school, 1 middle school, 1 high school, and 1 college
Teachers nightmare or teachers?
I was a teachers pet for sure! i always did good in school but my 10th grade year in high school i was a nightmare for my chem teacher cause it was after lunch so i was all nice an hyper and didn't understand any of what she was talkin about so i just socialized the entire time with my lil group of people. needless to say i FAILED that class... lol that was the first and only class that i had EVER actually failed.
Did you have a label in school? (nerd, jock,etc) im not sure if i did have a label. i was a cheerleader and you know the kind of labels they usually get! lol but i wasn't like that. im not sure... if someone from hs remembers let me know! LOL
Whats the biggest rule you broke in school?
i got suspended from my 8th graduation celebration for me and a group of girls giving another girl that we disliked a package that had all kinds of hygiene stuff in it...basically implying that she smelled like fish. (wasnt my idea)
in hs it was cutting class. also in chem lol i really hated that class. got caught smoking a couple of times in my cheer uniform so that was pretty BAD! lol as my cheer coach use to say "Smoking is not what the 'leaders' of the school should be doing" as a cig hangs out the side of her mouth! lol
Were you in any clubs or organizations? i was in everythign that i could be cheerleading, chorus, tga chorus, student council, peer mediation, journalizam, prom committee, and school newspaper - i think that was it. lol
Did you have any nicknames in school? im sure they called me all kinds of things that i didn't know about. but the ones i do remember were man-man in middle school and in hs it was mark arms' girlfriend... yea that was me! lol and legs - since marks last name was arms. hmm what else - cant member anything else
Three teachers who inspired you?
Mr. Turner from 8th grade was the shit - he made history FUN
Mrs Agabrite from 10th grade was awesome - she help me make sense of algebra... lol apperently i forgot about it later cause i had to drop the same class 3 times in college cause im NUMBER retarded! LOL
Mr Stafford from chorus was the best ever!!! i love that man - gay or not... lol
oh and i can't forget Mr kaneely who was my journalism teacher - he let me know that i was a damn good writer even though i didn't think so and helped me pump up my writing skills.
Would you go back and do it over? sure school was fun for me. as long as i don't have to live with my parents again we'll be straight! LOL
Any major fashion faux paus? Bonus for pics!! HA OF COURSE - i am a child of the 80's so YEAH that was an everyday thing! LOL
"slouch socks" one of each color!
big hair such as the WING
tight rolling jeans
jean jackets that we used as a sign in sheet! lol i remember mine had EVERYONEs name that i hung out with and some jeans to match... lol "sign my jacket!"
PS - i can not wait till our high school reunion.
marks is gonna be in november i think so i'll get to see some peoples then... mine will be next year sometime so we are planning and starting a committee for that. im sure that i'll be on it and helpin out!!! i hope we have a good turn out.
well thats all for now, got lots to do!
4Whatcha Think:
I forgot about chorus.. I was in that for alittle while too. lol I was in and out of everything cuz of my grades. =)
~Where did all your readers go>??? Everyone give Manda some love Damn It!
lol i dont' have any because i don't update like i should... lol im more occupied elsewhere! :0)
Holy tiny print old eyes had trouble but they made it through. I feel so badly for you being a friend of Robyns.....its tough I am sure lol. Nice list.....come view mine (I tagged her for this one :P)
Have a great weekend!!
Hey... I said go show her some luv... not bad mouth her best friend... lol =)
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