Monday, August 28, 2006
happy birthday to me.. um friday! lol this pic is saturday night.. my mommy got me this prettyful shirt! luvs it anywho all i wanted to do for my birthday was go out dancing and well i didn't get to do that but i got to hang out with friends, family and eat good food! lol friday the guys had to work saturday morning at like 4 so i told them i would go to the fair instead of going out to a club but they had to take us out dancing saturday night... well they got the chance to work sunday too so NO DANCING on saturday night either.. instead we went to a place downtown called malillo and ate good italian food and played bocce. we had a good time, it was pretty funny that josh and deena didn't eat but still spent twice the amount me and mark did, lol they had two bottles of wine which josh threw up at least half a bottle out the window of his truck on the way home! LMAO that was the funniest shit ever. we past the state fair on the way home and mark and deena were talkin about the super loop and then they started talkin about gettin sick on the ride and how awful that would be, mark started sayin they should call it the pukey loop and all these other blechy names - well i look in the mirror at josh and he is pretty much gaggin and lookin like he isn't gonna make it. lol next thing i know his head is out the window and there is a strong wine aroma in the truck... BLEH!!!! that was pretty freaking gross... hee hee sunday my dad gave me his macy's credit card to go get about "50 or 60 worth of nice clothes" so i spent 54 go 4 shirts and two pair of capris... not to bad if i do say so mysefl! HA~ well that was my weekend... birthday blah! ;)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
i got my hair done last friday... i was super excited so when i got home i took a pic of it... i think it's prolly the best pic i have ever taken of myself! lol i swear im not vain!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
thanks alot ROBYN
K, I got tagged by ROBYN to do this about my schools...How many schools did you go to?Ummm, 3 elementary schools one being a catholic school, 1 middle school, 1 high school, and 1 college
Teachers nightmare or teachers?
I was a teachers pet for sure! i always did good in school but my 10th grade year in high school i was a nightmare for my chem teacher cause it was after lunch so i was all nice an hyper and didn't understand any of what she was talkin about so i just socialized the entire time with my lil group of people. needless to say i FAILED that class... lol that was the first and only class that i had EVER actually failed.
Did you have a label in school? (nerd, jock,etc) im not sure if i did have a label. i was a cheerleader and you know the kind of labels they usually get! lol but i wasn't like that. im not sure... if someone from hs remembers let me know! LOL
Whats the biggest rule you broke in school?
i got suspended from my 8th graduation celebration for me and a group of girls giving another girl that we disliked a package that had all kinds of hygiene stuff in it...basically implying that she smelled like fish. (wasnt my idea)
in hs it was cutting class. also in chem lol i really hated that class. got caught smoking a couple of times in my cheer uniform so that was pretty BAD! lol as my cheer coach use to say "Smoking is not what the 'leaders' of the school should be doing" as a cig hangs out the side of her mouth! lol
Were you in any clubs or organizations? i was in everythign that i could be cheerleading, chorus, tga chorus, student council, peer mediation, journalizam, prom committee, and school newspaper - i think that was it. lol
Did you have any nicknames in school? im sure they called me all kinds of things that i didn't know about. but the ones i do remember were man-man in middle school and in hs it was mark arms' girlfriend... yea that was me! lol and legs - since marks last name was arms. hmm what else - cant member anything else
Three teachers who inspired you?
Mr. Turner from 8th grade was the shit - he made history FUN
Mrs Agabrite from 10th grade was awesome - she help me make sense of algebra... lol apperently i forgot about it later cause i had to drop the same class 3 times in college cause im NUMBER retarded! LOL
Mr Stafford from chorus was the best ever!!! i love that man - gay or not... lol
oh and i can't forget Mr kaneely who was my journalism teacher - he let me know that i was a damn good writer even though i didn't think so and helped me pump up my writing skills.
Would you go back and do it over? sure school was fun for me. as long as i don't have to live with my parents again we'll be straight! LOL
Any major fashion faux paus? Bonus for pics!! HA OF COURSE - i am a child of the 80's so YEAH that was an everyday thing! LOL
"slouch socks" one of each color!
big hair such as the WING
tight rolling jeans
jean jackets that we used as a sign in sheet! lol i remember mine had EVERYONEs name that i hung out with and some jeans to match... lol "sign my jacket!"
im not gonna tag anyone (cause no one reads anymore) lol but if you want to share you school memories... go ahead!!! :)
PS - i can not wait till our high school reunion.
marks is gonna be in november i think so i'll get to see some peoples then... mine will be next year sometime so we are planning and starting a committee for that. im sure that i'll be on it and helpin out!!! i hope we have a good turn out.
well thats all for now, got lots to do!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
weee'rrree baaaaaacck
Back from vacation!
all in all it was an awesome trip... didn't spend that much money (not for lack of tryin but cause we didn't have it) carolina beach is great the waves were huge so it kept mark entertained and the sand was white and actually the water was really blue as we found out in the pics we came back with, while on the beach lookin out we never even noticed the pretty blue out there but while we were scanning the pics each day it was like... "WOW look how BLUE the ocean is, i dont remember that" lol
basically we were gone from weekend to weekend, the first weekend we went to raleigh which is where my best friend and her soon to be ex husband lived. it was pretty much perfect timing for us being there and them seperating cause mark got paid to help the ex drive his car back to louisville while he drove the uhaul with all his crap and hualed a bike on the back. so we got to hang out with them and by the end of the week leslie no longer lived there but in chicago - the day we got in raleigh she got a propsal from a new company offering her a position in surgical sales and all that good stuff. lol she made this decision so quick it blew me away! lol but that's her... gotta luv her! :)
the next week we were in carolina beach to see our friend we pretty much grew up with get married on the beach. it was BEAUTIFUL! :) imma update the pics so they will all be above this post so you'll have to go from top to bottom! LOL i don't know if it'll be today or tomorrow or what but i'll try to get as many pics up as possible. :)
so after vacay you usually come back home feeling all refreshed and ready to take on the work load again. so that's how i was yesterday coming back to work, READY To take on TERRI! lol and my work. i was gettin SUPER burnt out on her and here.... prior to my leaving, my hours here at work got cut to 6 hour days instead of 8 - so that's 10 whole hours missing from my freaking check each week, i was told it was just going to be for the 2 weeks remainin in july, however, when i came back it is still enforced, so im lookin for a new job! i got my resume all fixed up yesterday after work and put it in at humana and YUM brands co. which is where my aunt works. and friend of my dads that i used to work with at providian actually is trying to get me on at humana so hopefully that works out cause hell it'd be nice to have a stable job again. lol i bitched about providian for all they lack but big business is helpful in some areas that small business isn't. plus my good friend anthony is getting on there at humana also so that would be fab to work with him again, we use to have so much fun at providian together. i gotta tell ya, i absolutely LOVE me some anthony! lol out of all marks friends he has always been my fav, even when he was a "bad boy" but he has turned his shit around an became an awesome friend of MINE as well as marks. :)
well better go work since i have 8 hours of work to do in only 6 now... NICE huh?
more pics to come! :)