Sorry i have been so busy with my girls and getting them ready for comp. we had our first one over the weekend and we also have another one this weekend.... they did pretty good over the weekend, they got 3rd place so that was better than me and missy (head coach) thought they were gonna do... honestly we wasn't SURE that they were even gonna go... but they did and they PLACED! whoo hooo... GO ST. Barts!!! your da shizz!on to the next, right? we will prolly get our bottays handed to us but as long as they try their best it's all good in the hood! loloh and CONGRATS to ANTHONY & CHRISTY who just got engaged over the weekend.... (it's about time! j/k) hee hee ;0)AWWWWWSo during this little blogging break i, er should i say my dad has gotten a new internet provider... so SO-LONG aol and hello alltel ;) yay for DSL! so for any of you peoples that have my old email addy you can email me there for prolly the next month or so and then it's GONE... so you better email me and let me know if you want my new one... you know im sooooo popular that im sure my mail box will just be FILLED to the brim of shitmail... uh.... er, i mean loving peoples that want my new addy to keep in touch with me, RIGHT! ha. ;) i also want to say sorry to the peoples that i usually read on a daily basis and leave my "OH SO IMPORTANT" comments! i know that you are missing me and im sorry but i should be back on track soon, I HOPE! Actually now that i think about it. it's getting ready to be spring and the "BUSY" season is coming..... ::::puts hand to forehead very 1950's like::::::OH GOD!!!!!!! the phone will be ringing off the hook and people will be calling left and right saying.... "yeah, i'd like to get a price for your lawn service" or "um, my lawn needs help, can you give me a price" or "you guys did my 1st and only application yesterday and i STIIIIIIIIILLL don't have the results that i want!" lol ok so the last one was a little over the top, but the others are dead on and i'lll hear them SO much that i'll have dreams about the shit! AAARRRHHGHGHSo anywho, it's almost time for my GO HOME time! WHOOP WHOOOP! so i'll shall talk to yall's later! :) luvsA~

kim, savannah and liz

gansta cheerleaders! LOL

holly brittany nicole and linzy

liz and emilee

my girls :)

nicole, holly, linzy and brittany
Term of endearment or racial slur
Yesterday on the news there was a story about a valley high school teacher calling a child “the N word” well when I heard that I was like OUTRAGED! I was like WTF!!?!?! This isn’t the 1950’s and that teacher needs to be FIRED! I was completely bent out of shape over it. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I do not LIKE that word! The “N” word, the word that is used to put down and degrade and hurt. so I wanted to see this story and get details on it and see what this RACIST looked like…
So the white teacher prolly late 40’s or early 50’s. GOOFY looking mo-fo, looked like back in the day he was prolly that kid in school that always got picked on or wasn’t very bright with “street smarts” and just kept his nose in the books. So the Nerdy teacher was on the tv and explained that the kid was standing in the doorway and he told him to go sit down, and the kid says something like “nigga, im not even in this class” so he replies “well then get to class my niggah”.
Then they go to the kids side of the story and he says that he didn’t initiate the use of nigga and was upset that the teacher called him that. He also said that none of the other kids around heard him use the word first either, because he DIDN’T.
Then they go back to the teacher, the teacher says the kid DID use the word first and he used it back as he would have the word DUDE or BUDDIE. he then proceed to hold up two pieces of paper. One said “TWO DIFFERENT WORDS? (in black ink)” and the other said “NIGGER (in red) & NIGGA (in black)”
Later that night I was taken my sis and her friend to their cheerleading game and on the radio station we were listenin to mark gunn a black dj on B 96.5, JAMS was talking about the incident. He was saying a lot of things that were making sense but his ending point was….
“We (black folk) need to stopping using the word with each other as a term of endearment if we are going to get upset when another race uses it, (as a term of endearment). But because your different skin colors your gonna take it as a racial slur.”
I think that in todays slang nigga IS like the word dude, buddy, homey, or DOG…
I had a group of girls that I worked with at Providian and they use to call me their nigga, everytime I would go to this one girls desk she would say “what’s up my nigga?” and im like not much crackah! Lol which was pretty funny to us cause she was light skinned so I always told her she was half-a-crackah. hee hee we always had a good laugh at ourselves after that but anyway, we were cool like that and I had no problem calling her “my nigga”, she wouldn’t take offense to it because she WAS… she was really a GREAT friend! But who the hell goes around going “what is up my really great friend?” lol I mean of course there was OTHER words that we could have used to label “our camaraderie” but that is what we were comfortable with.
BUT would I ever use it to a black person that I wasn’t “tight” with? NO
would I ever use it to a black person to degrade them or try to hurt their feelings? HELL NO
do I think it was right what this teacher did? NO even if the kid DID use it first or not. I honestly don’t think that he meant any harm out of it, he even said that he uses other slang words with kids to “befriend” them… and apparently that is what he thought he was doing. Sorry you had to find out this way bub… but NO you weren’t! I don’t know it’s kinda of a touchy subject for real, and you never really KNOW who has KKK sheets in their closet. So im really curious as to what ya’ll think… especially Stephen! ;0)
Pain in the Ass!
So i have had this idea since my last email from my Creative keeping email newsletter thingy, that i am going to enter this scrapbook HALL OF FAME 2006 contest. they basically want 10 different lay outs with some specific things in each so the following are my choices that i am going to enter... my camera sucks BALLS so i had to use my mommy's her is bomb diggity compared to mine. :( BUT i got some good shots of my pages. My first thought was to have them scanned and printed out but i called kinko's and they have the ONLY scanner that can scan 12X12 pages but guess how much they want..... $16.99!!!! and that's not even including the cost of the prints themselves! UGH! so after i found that out i was like naw, so i asked mom to use her camera and i'll just print off the snapshot of them... well that was working out nicely until i went to print them today and the computer automatically CROPS them so it's cutting off the top and bottom of my 12X12 pages... :( SUCK AZZ!~! so now i don't know what to do. :( it sucks cause this contest is for prize money of $500.00 plus, i think they put some of your layouts in the magazine! how nifty would that be, to have one of MY pages published???/ HOLY CRAP! lol but i don't want to spend 17 dollars to have them scanned, am i being cheap? i wish they had an EMAIL entry! i guess i'll have to go back and double check that they DONT.... anyway the pages below are the ones that im turning in.. MAYBE! and i still have to do one on "The real me" lol like what the hell is THAT! HA HA

our wedding in july 2003 Islamorada Florida Keys!

my hunter! too handsome! :)

me and my sis, this is from 2003

a better snap of my fav page ;0)

from 2004 trip to hubers

my babies! i did the lettering at the top, no print outs. :)